
We’re proud to deliver tailored mentoring programs for at-risk youth and vulnerable adults

Our mentoring program is tailored to the individual supporting you to take control of your life, learn new skills, build relationships and gain confidence in yourself.

RCSS Mentors are carefully matched to each participant to build a consistent trust-based relationship allowing us to work together with you to reach your goals.


Youth mentoring

Our mentoring program is designed to help young people develop a greater sense of belonging and self-worth. The program assists young people to build trust-based relationships with positive adult role models in their lives outside of their existing support structures. By participating in the program young people develop relationship and life skills allowing them to work towards personal goals whilst establishing enduring connections with others.


Adult mentoring

Throughout adulthood, many of us experience periods of anxiety, feeling helpless, mental health issues, low self-esteem and other distressing life challenges. Our mentorship program can help you to regain confidence, learn new skills and define and work towards personals goals in your life. 

RCSS mentors have experience and training working with vulnerable adults from all backgrounds assisting you to integrate with the community. Engaging with a mentor can make a real difference in your life.

Check out our adventure-based day and respite program