Supports designed for YOU!

RCSS Support Services

We work with you and your identified informal or formal supports to develop Individualised care and support plans that caters to your individual strengths providing support to reach and surpass your goals.

Depending on the participant’s individual need our recovery coaches, support workers and on call crisis staff can be available anytime to provide tailored assistance in your home or community. During the in-take process we will discuss areas the participant would like support in, these service packages could include:

  • In home supports

    In-home support services are ideal for individuals looking for assistance with daily tasks, participating in social and community activities, right up to building confidence to explore new skills and activities. Whatever your goals area, RCSS can support you to reach them with a tailored and individual approach to supports and case management.

  • Community Access

    RCSS can help you access the community for appointments and social participation, assisting you to develop personal skills and supporting you to build relationships and regular interactions with others.

    We understand that developing new relationships can be testing however we are here to support you build skills in maintaining your anxiety and expectations as well as life skills such as budgeting, catching public transportation and managing education and work commitments.

  • Specialised supports

    We go the extra mile to support you with specialised services such as equine therapy, supports in employment and supports in education (distance education). Please note that these supports are specific to the individual, contact us to see what we can do for you!

With RCSS you are not just a number, we work with you to identify and cater to your individual needs. We have experience providing customised support services for a wide range of individual needs and disabilities including:

  • ASD (Autism or Asperger’s Syndrome)

  • Intellectual disability

  • Acquired brain injury (ABI)

  • Bipolar disorder

  • Schizophrenia

  • Anxiety and Depression

  • Physical disabilities

  • Psychosocial disabilities

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